Bird news

A brief bit of beautiful weather was enjoyed by the few who were out this morning before the next batch of weather came in, hopefully this one doesn't have a name!

Between 3-4 Marsh Harriers were around today, the usual Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel could all be found.

We currently have at least 3 Oystercatchers taking advantage of the mild weather by feeding inland, also up to 70 Ruff and 2-3000 Lapwing.

The peak count of Whooper Swans so far has been around 1300 but with the weather turning slightly colder of late maybe a few more will make the journey to Martin Mere in the coming days? The Ross's Goose is still around the mere most days.

Other sightings include Grey Wagtail, Stonechat and Fieldfare. There haven't been any reports in recent days of the Firecrest but it could well still be around, and now that access has improved to parts of the collection hopefully it will pop up again.

Feeding time! Can you spot the rare bird? (Photo: T. Disley)
Feeding time! Can you spot the rare bird? (Photo: T. Disley)

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