Bird sightings

A good day on site with nice weather as well! Barn Owls continue to give great views at times from either UU Hide or Ron Barker Hide, with at least 2-3 birds seen today. At least 1 Tawny Owl was again in the Ivy near Kingfisher Hide.

Redpoll was seen along the Reedbed walk this morning and a group of 12 Yellowhammers in fields along the walk between Burscough and the edge of the reserve.

Stonechat distantly from Ron Barker Hide

A Golden Plover was seen with the Lapwing flock, also 2+ Black-tailed Godwit, several Snipe, 10+ Oystercatcher and c60+ Ruff.

A male Sparrowhawk spent some time sat on the feeders at Janet Kear and a female spent sometime sat on a gate from Ron Barker Hide, the usual 2-3 Marsh Harrier can be seen along with Adult Peregrine, several Common Buzzard and Kestrel.

Among the 35 Cormorant on the Mere was a colour ringed bird (Green ring with ZBT on the ring) seemingly from a scheme on Puffin Island just off the north east coast of Anglesey, the details have been sent off so will post any further details about this bird when received.

Colour ringed Cormorant seemingly ringed on Puffin Island off Anglesey (video grab: T. Disley)
Colour ringed Cormorant seemingly ringed on Puffin Island off Anglesey (video grab: T. Disley)


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