All the B's Barnacle and Blackcap

A calm and cool day at Martin Mere, tomorrow looks even better with perhaps a little sunshine! Two new species to added to the year list with a Barnacle Goose seen with Pink-footed Geese from the Ron Barker Hide and a female Blackcap near the Kingfisher Hide.

A good raptor day again with 6 species ; Merlin, 2 Peregrine, 2 Marsh Harrier, 4+ Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel.  As usual 2 Tawny Owl roosting (directions from us at the in focus shop) and 2+ Barn Owl. Some great views of the later recently.

Barn owl showing well from the Ron Barker Hide (picture by Gordon Taylor)
Barn owl showing well from the Ron Barker Hide (picture by Gordon Taylor)

Again good numbers of Pied Wagtail (16) feeding in front of the Ron Barker Hide.

A flock of ~15 Siskin feeding in Alders near the Kingfisher Hide. Two Redpoll from the Janet Kear Hide, Siskins there too early on.

A winter's scene at Martin Mere
A winter's scene at Martin Mere

A few Redwing scattered about around the reserve. Weasel along the Reed Bed Walk.

A single leucistic Pink-footed Geese came into roost on Plover Field with Pink's.

Good numbers of Wigeon on the reserve. Have a good look through these as a drake American Wigeon was seen on the Ribble a couple of days ago.



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