
The first returning Avocets, a group of 6 birds were on the Mere this morning, other waders included 400+ Black-tailed Godwit, 64+ Ruff, 13 Oystercatcher 2000+ Lapwing and several Common Snipe.

Three of the six Avocet this morning (Video grab: T. Disley)
Three of the six Avocet this morning (Video grab: T. Disley)

A male Goldeneye was on the Mere most of the day, also 40+ Pochard and the Ross's Goose.

1200 Whooper Swan counted this morning, 500+ Pink-footed Goose

At least 2 Barn Owl gave good views again from Ron Barker Hide, the Tawny Owl in the usual place near Kingfisher Hide, also 2+ Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, several Common Buzzard, 2+ Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.


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