Avocet Return

It's a sure sign that spring is on it's way with the return of 3 Avocet. Last years birds returned on the 9th February, the earliest ever. So this is back to form and the same date as 2013. These birds will be constantly present now until July.

Top bird of the goes to a ring-tailed Hen Harrier which blasted through the reserve ~ 3.30pm. First record this year. Other raptors included Peregrine, 5+ Common Buzzard, 2+ Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. Merlin reported on Saturday. Tawny Owl tucked into ivy covered trees before the Kingfisher Hide and Barn Owl from Ron Barker Hide 3.45 onwards.

Other waders present include 800+ Lapwing, 80+ Oystercatcher, 70+ Ruff, at least 2 Redshank, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, 5+ Common Snipe and Ringed Plover.

Over 1000 Whooper Swan present, particularly close to the afternoon feeds which start at 3pm.

A Stoat in 'ermine' showed on the Reedbed Walk over the weekend.

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