Barn Owls

Barn Owls are showing well at the moment, a distant one out in the far fields this morning, but then a showy bird which was hunting Carum field in between Gladstone and UU hides late afternoon.

The usual 3 Marsh Harrier were active all day, also a family group of 3 Peregrines (2 ad + 1 juv) were active in the morning in Plover field, several Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and 3 Kestrel.

At least 60 Ruff this morning, 2000 Lapwing, 1 Black-tailed Godwit and Common Snipe

At least 35 Pochard on the Mere this morning is a long way off the 750 we used to get!

A pair of Stonechat were on fenceposts near Top Mere Reedbed

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