Belated Green-winged Teal and Harriers

Starting off with the drake Green-winged Teal which we gleaned from the internet was present on the 2nd Jan. As usual the bird was seen from the Ron Barker Hide. Do bear in mind that the 3000+ Teal end up being regularly flushed by the 4 Marsh Harrier and or 2 Peregrine currently present.

The Mere continues to be jam packed with birds, almost to many to look through.. however this is the best spot to get good views of Pintail, Shelduck and the few Goldeneye.

spot the Ross's..

Still the Tawny Owl(s) are showing directions from the in focus shop. If it's not raining then Barn Owls are out hunting from 2pm onward at the moment and occasionally earlier.

The Lapwing flocks continue to look spectacular when flushed by assorted raptors. The Ruff are generally among them.

Merlin seen out towards the back of Woodend Marsh hassling a Barn Owl.

Interesting to note that a few White-fronted Geese have been turning up on the East Coast yesterday as cold air plunges across Europe. The UK can experience lots of bird movement during a period like this. At Martin Mere we have had Bittern arrivals in January, although given we had a sighting in December at least one bird is probably still present.

Temperature chart from 3rd Jan (BBC Weather)
Temperature chart from 3rd Jan (BBC Weather)

Siskins and Redpolls again in the Waterfowl Gardens. This area is good for Great-spotted Woodpecker, Long-tailed Tit, Treecreeper and Goldcrest.



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