Bird News

Some bird news from yesterday, a ringtail Hen Harrier was reported from UU Hide but no other reports. Also a Little Egret out on Woodend Marsh viewable from UU Hide. A Raven around the Mere yesterday drew close attention from the Black-headed Gull colony, the Gulls act as an excellent early warning system for raptors, so the next time they go up it could be an Osprey!

The Tawny Owl continues to be seen near Kingfisher Hide, also plenty of Avocets on view from Ron Barker Hide. At least 3 Mediterranean Gulls again with the BHG, this time a pair was seen gathering nest material, it's only a matter time before Meds start to nest hopefully. The Little Egret was again seen this time from Ron Barker.

A pair of Mediterranean Gulls gathering nest material , hopefully the prelude to a nesting attempt (T. Disley)
A pair of Mediterranean Gulls gathering nest material , hopefully the prelude to a nesting attempt (T. Disley)

Plenty of Redshank back on the reserve (T. Disley)
Plenty of Redshank back on the reserve (T. Disley)

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