Bird News

Some sightings over the last few days have included a flock of 30 Barnacle Geese on Tuesday which were probably feral birds (not truly wild) but you never know they may have been wild. A Little Egret was seen on Wednesday and a Water Rail has been seen or heard in front of Ron Barker Hide.

The Marsh Harriers continue to show well, with up to 5 birds maybe more on view everyday at the moment. An adult male Merlin showed well from Ron Barker on Tuesday, 2-3 Peregrines have been seen each day along with 2-3 Sparrowhawk (including one which took a Greenfinch at Janet Kear Hide), 2+ Kestrel and several Common Buzzard.

Up to 2 Common Stonechats can be seen with patient scanning of the distant fenceposts, also 1 or 2 Brambling have been seen in recent days in the Janet Kear Hide.




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