Bird News

Another raptor day today. similar to yesterday (see map with yesterday's post - it's still relevant), with 3 species of Owls ( Short-eard, Barn, and Tawny) as the stars of the show.

A Swan carcass in a field at the back of the Mere provided food for at least 2 of the 4 or so Marsh Harriers currently present, along with a pair of Ravens, several Carrion Crows and a few Magpies.

At least 1 Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawks, 3 Common Buzzards and a Kestrel were also seen.

No actual counts received today, but still good numbers of Pintail, Wigeon, and Teal in particular amongst the wildfowl on the Mere, which include a male Goldeneye feeding very close to the new Discovery hide.



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