Bird News

A lovely day after the cloud cleared and lots of birds. The mild weather encouraging waders back inland, a few Oystercatcher have been around of late and 3 were present today, also 453 Black-tailed Godwit was a noticeable increase on recent counts, and there are still a few Golden Plover around with 11 being counted today. Still at least 2000+ Lapwing, 69+ Ruff, 3 Oystercatcher, 5 Snipe and 1 Redshank.

Barn Owls continue to give good views at times from UU hide and from Ron Barker Hide, with probably 2 birds seen today, also the Tawny Owl in the usual spot in the Ivy near the path off to Kingfisher Hide.

At least 2 Marsh Harrier present and 2 adult Peregrine, also a male Sparrowhawk, 2-3 Kestrel and several Common Buzzard.

Redwing feeding in leaf litter near the UU Hide (photo: Anne Johnson)
Redwing feeding in leaf litter near the UU Hide (photo: Anne Johnson)

A few thousand Pink-footed Geese can be seen at times on the reserve as well as 1500+ Whooper Swans with the chance of a Bewick Swan. Lots of duck including 150+ Pintail, 43 Shoveler, 56 Gadwall, 12 Tufted Duck, 40+ Pochard and 1300+ Teal.

Still plenty of winter Thrushes around with 100+ Fieldfare in fields between Burscough and Martin Mere as well as several on the reserve and a few Redwing. Still up to 15 Siskin and 5 Redpoll in the collection area and at Janet Kear Hide feeding station occasionally.

A Nuthatch was in the collection today, a fairly scarce bird on site. At least 1 Stonechat was seen, check the fenceposts and wires in between for them. A Raven was also seen.

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