Bird news

Two Jack Snipe flushed out on the reserve by WWT staff was a good sighting, there are probably small numbers of this diminutive little Snipe around the reserve but they are often only seen when they flush after almost being stepped on!

Barn Owls continue to show well with at least 4-5 being seen, with one perching very close to Ron Barker Hide. The 2 Tawny Owls can still be seen near the Kingfisher hide. A single Raven was also seen.

A count of 5700 Pink-footed Geese was made this morning along with 1560 Whooper swans. A few Goldeneye can be seen on the mere usual the morning is better with a pair present today. The spring build up of Cormorants has started with 39 present, counts can exceed 70 in March.

A female/imm Merlin was from Ron Barker on Thursday and may have been seen today. The usual 2-3 Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Up to 16 Oystercatcher around the Mere also 60+ Ruff, 2-3000 Lapwing and 3 Black-tailed Godwit.

At least 1 Siskin on the feeders at Janet Kear along with Great spotted Woodpecker and lots of Greenfinch and Reed Bunting.


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