Bird News

A fairly quiet day today, with few reports from around the reserve. At least 10 species of wader present with the 2 Knot on Woodend Marsh (from the United Utilities hide) for their fourth day - a remarkably long stay for this coastal species which, on the rare occasions it is seen here, does not normally stay for even four hours. Also from the same hide today, a Barnacle Goose. Although it was unringed, any Barnacle Geese at this time of year must be presumed to be of dubious origin.

Avocet, Ruff, and Common Sandpiper were on the Mere.

One of the 2 Marsh Harriers here at the moment, a 'sub-adult' male probably in it's third year has caught many people's attention with it's clearly visible white rump- a feature not normally seen on this species.

The Reedbed Walk is very productive at the moment, with Reed , Sedge and Grasshopper Warblers all singing, and Corn Buntings, Skylarks and Yellowhammer easy to find in the fields and hedgerows beyond the sewage works.


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