Bird News

The showery weather today didn't produce anything much but there's always tomorrow! Still plenty of species to see on site with Med Gulls regular on the Mere, Little ringed Plovers looking set to nest again around the Mere. At least 2 Raven over the reserve today and several Common Buzzard.

Still a pair of Pintail and 6 Wigeon on the Mere. Up to 3 Common Tern around the reserve at the moment looking to nest again. Warblers such as Grasshopper, Reed and Sedge can be seen and heard with a little patience early morning along the redeemed walk, also a chance of Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap along with the possibility of Garden Warbler.

Great Crested Grebe and Little Grebe can be seen at the moment from the Harrier Hide.

Yellow Wagtail again this morning along nearby Curlew Lane.


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