Bird News

In recent days there have been up to 2 Little Egrets on site, being mobile they can be seen from any hide at the moment. Also at least 5 Raven have been noticeable, also Rook over the reserve.

Up to 2 pairs of Little Ringed Plover at least can be seen at the moment with a pair looking set to nest at the edge of the Mere. The Great Crested Grebe is still sitting on its nest viewable from Harrier Hide.

At least 2 Little Gull (2nd calendar year) are still viewable from UU hide, often hawking around with Black-headed Gulls in the sky. Also 3 Mediterranean Gull (pair adult & 4th calendar year bird) A pair of Common Tern still out on Woodend Marsh.

Lots of singing Sedge Warblers at the moment, also Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff and Common Whitethroat around the reserve.

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