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Hand feeding announcement

We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Bird News

A good day on site with a few new sightings, the best new bird was a Hobby which flew past the Ron Barker Hide this afternoon, this is the first sighting of the year on site. Also from here was a Cuckoo again, this is probably the best area to look for the Cuckoo at the moment, keep checking the bushes at the end of the pools and along the last hand side.

A Yellow Wagtail was seen by wardens out on the edge of the reserve, Yellow Wagtails are quite easy to see at the moment nearby along Curlew Lane especially in the evenings as they often feed along the edge of the road.

Yellow Wagtail along Curlew Lane (T. Disley)
Yellow Wagtail along Curlew Lane (T. Disley)

The 2 Curlew Sandpipers are still present on the Mere and were joined by a female Ruff today. Also at least 4 Little Ringed Plover (2 on the Mere and 2 on Woodend Marsh from UU Hide). Lots of Avocet chicks to see around the reserve at the moment.

Curlew Sandpiper with Ruff and Little Ringed Plover (T. Disley)
Curlew Sandpiper with Ruff and Little Ringed Plover (T. Disley)

Pochard have bred again on the reserve, a pair were seen with young ducklings today. The Great Crested Grebes are still busy, one bird sitting on the eggs while the other is still adding to the nest.

Great Crested Grebes from Harrier Hide (T. Disley)
Great Crested Grebes from Harrier Hide (T. Disley)

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