Bird News

The pair of Cuckoos were again showing on and off from Ron Barker Hide, most often in the trees to the left of the hide in between Kingfisher Hide and Ron Barker, also from here a Kingfisher, the first sighting reported for a while. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was also in the dead branches left of the hide as well today.

A Common Sandpiper was on the Mere in the afternoon. While a Curlew was seen in the fields to the right of Ron Barker Hide. Still lots of Little Ringed Plovers around the reserve at the moment. The autumn/winter Lapwing flock is beginning to gather around the mere, small numbers at the moment but this could grow into as many as 4000 birds in a good winter!!

Little Egrets are still being seen, often from Harrier Hide but also from Ron Barker. Raven too are occasionally being seen as well.

Still plenty of singing Reed Warblers and Sedge Warblers around the reserve, also Common Whitethroat, Chiffchaff and Blackcap.

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