Bird News

Once again, a great variety of birds on view today. The Cuckoos which have been showing regulary from the Ron Barker hide for some time now, are drawing the most attention - it's a bird which has become pretty rare for many of us in recent years, and the opportunity see/photograph/film them is one which has drawn many people to Martn Mere over the past few weeks.

Around the rest of the reserve, it's still the very young  chicks (still at the "fluffy" stage) which are the focus of many people's attention, with Avocets and and Shelducks currently ahead in the popularity stakes.

Waders including several Black-tailed Godwits, Little Ringed Plover, Oystercatchers, and increasing numbers of Lapwings are numerous, and a Kingfisher has been seen on and off throughout the day from the Ron Barker hide.

At least one Barn Owl was hunting actively until late morning at least, best viewed from the Ron Barker hide.


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