Bird News

The young Great Crested Grebes can currently be seen being fed on the adults back from the Harrier Hide, also Little Grebes from here. A Little Egret is still being seen occasionally from anywhere around the reserve, seen in flight flying towards Harrier Hide today.

Great Crested Grebes feeding chick from Harrier Hide (T. Disley)
Great Crested Grebes feeding chick from Harrier Hide (T. Disley)

The Lapwing flock on the Mere is building, currently numbering over 100 birds at the moment, also small numbers of Oystercatchers, a pair of Little Ringed Plover and Redshank. A Green Sandpiper was out in front of Harrier Hide this afternoon.

A male Marsh Harrier was seen on Thursday.

A Lesser Whitethroat was heard singing by Ron Barker Hide this morning, the Cuckoo's were both seen on Thursday from Ron Barker.

A female Roe Deer was seen from Ron Barker Hide yesterday along the reed edge of Vinson's.


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