Bird news

On Wednesday a Yellow Wagtail was in the gravel car park at 5.30pm, also Little Egret still on the reserve with 7 Grey Heron from Harrier Hide. Still 2 Green Sandpiper moving around the reserve, favouring either Ron Barker area or Harrier hide. Signs of wader movement were 3 Curlew flying over the reserve heading to the coast.

Today one of the 3 Great crested Grebe chicks was taken by a Lesser Black Backed Gull, sad though this is, it is nature, people rarely feel the same emotion for the fish that are being eaten by the Grebes! A female Peregrine was also seen flying past Ron Barker today, Peregrines have been scarce of late, lets hope they become easier and more regular from now on.

At least 1 Cuckoo was showing very well from Ron Barker this afternoon, also 4 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Ringed Plover, juv Redshank and 2 adult Common Tern. A flock of 18 Black-tailed Godwit were on the mere in the afternoon.

Two Foxes were seen from Ron Barker Hide including a cub.

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