Bird News

The Cuckoo's are still being seen, with the last sighting from Ron Barker yesterday, also 1 along Curlew Lane yesterday evening. Little Egrets are still being seen with up to 4 being reported today. The Great Crested Grebes are still on view from Harrier Hide with 2 young still, also Little Grebes from here and a good selection of ducks including Wigeon, Tufted Duck and Pochard with young.

A few recent reports of Carrion Crows eating Moles from the Ron Barker Hide in recent weeks, it seems a particular Crow has mastered the technique of catching Moles that come to the surface and by the looks of it is teaching this years young!

Carrion Crow adult with juvenile  tucking into Mole for lunch (G. Taylor)
Carrion Crow adult with juvenile tucking into Mole for lunch (G. Taylor)

Lots of Swallows, House Martins, Sand Martins and Swifts around the reserve at the moment. Good numbers of Black-tailed Godwits on Woodend Marsh today with at least 40 being counted. A few Little Ringed Plovers are still around, with 2 being seen along with a Ringed Plover from Ron Barker today.

Sparrow hawk and several Buzzard being seen but no reports of Peregrine or Marsh Harrier today.

A couple of Foxes have been giving great views from Ron Barker Hide recently including a cub, which was well observed and photographed today.

Fox cub in front of Ron Barker Hide today (G. Taylor)
Fox cub in front of Ron Barker Hide today (G. Taylor)

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