Bird News

A few signs that autumn is in the air, the Lapwing flock is getting larger by the day, now around 150 birds, also joined by 90+ Black-tailed Godwits on the Mere today. The elusive Green Sandpipers are still around and can be a challenge to find, try looking from Kingfisher Hide but they can disappear out of view for a while! Little Ringed Plovers and Ringed Plover are still to be seen on site.

juvenile Shelduck at the edge of the Mere (T. Disley)
juvenile Shelduck at the edge of the Mere (T. Disley)

The Common Tern family that reared 3 young on Woodend Marsh have relocated to the Mere in the last few days and are hanging around letting the parents do all the work bringing them fish to eat.

juvenile Common Terns on the Mere (T. Disley)
juvenile Common Terns on the Mere (T. Disley)

A Barn Owl was seen around 11 am this morning from Harrier Hide sat on the gate to the right of the hide. Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard are the other raptors seen in recent days.

Plenty of juvenile Black-headed Gulls on the wing now around the Mere, also still some young chicks still to make the perilous growing up period and avoid the attention of the marauding Lesser Black-backed Gulls!

There are still two surviving Great Crested Grebe chicks to be seen, check them out while they are still hitching a ride on mums back.

Great Crested Grebe with chick taken on 23 June (T. Disley)
Great Crested Grebe with chick taken on 23 June (T. Disley)

Lots of Dragonflies to be seen at the moment including up to 3 Southern Hawkers, Black-tailed Skimmers, Four-spotted Chasers and Damselflies too!

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