Bird Sightings

A few sightings from Friday included 2 Dunlin on the Mere as well as a pair of Peregrine hunting around the edge of the reserve and 2 Barn Owl from Ron Barker Hide.

Today's sightings: the re-appearance of the male Goldeneye on the Mere, still impressive numbers of waders on site with at least 60 Avocet, 20+ Black-tailed Godwit including a couple of fine breeding plumage birds, 75+ Ruff, a few Common Snipe, 3+ Redshank, 70+ Oystercatcher and displaying Lapwings.

A good day for raptors with 2 Marsh Harrier, 10 Common Buzzard, 4 Kestrel and a few sightings of Sparrowhawk, including a female with a freshly killed Wood Pigeon outside the Raines Hide which allowed the photographer a close view!

Female Sparrowhawk with Wood Pigeon (Bill Wonderley)
Female Sparrowhawk with Wood Pigeon (Bill Wonderley)

A Little Egret was on view from Ron Barker Hide and nearby the Tawny Owl was on view in the usual spot by the bend. near the Kingfisher Hide. Lots of Reed Bunting visiting the feeders at the moment in various states of plumage and a bit of variation.

Reed Buntings, up to 10 birds at least visiting the In Focus bird table (T. Disley)
Reed Buntings, up to 10 birds at least visiting the In Focus bird table (T. Disley)


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