Birds in Lancashire


Out today the new Lancashire Bird Report in limited numbers. Ever wondered when the first Whoopers turn up? Where are the hot spot for Whimbrel roosting are? What the average date for the first Swallow, Osprey and Grasshopper Warbler in the county is? All of this and more covering all the sightings across Lancashire.

A brief run down on today's sightings. The single Bewick's Swan still present with 150+Whooper Swans. Approximately 10000 Pink-footed Geese roosting on the reserve. Two Barnacle Geese with the Pink-footed Geese flocks early on.

Peregrine showing well early afternoon. Other raptors included 3+ Common Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Water Rail and Kingfisher showing well from the Ron Barker Hide.

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