
A couple of great days birding on the reserve, helped by the current benign weather conditions. Star bird of the day was the first Bittern of the year which flew from a ditch at the back of Woodend Marsh and dropped into the Reed Bed in front of the Harrier Hide. Never an easy bird to see here unless in flight.

The single Bewick's Swan turned up again on Top Mere with Whooper Swans late afternoon viewed from the Hale Hide. In other wildfowl news an adult White-fronted Goose came in with Pink-footed Geese early afternoon onto Plover Field.

Avocet numbers doubled over night with 30 birds moving between the Mere and in front of the Ron Barker Hide. Other waders include 70+ Black-tailed Godwit, 50+ Ruff, 500+ Lapwing, 50+ Oystercatcher, Common Snipes from the Kingfisher Hide and Ringed Plover on Woodend Marsh.

On the raptor front there has been Merlin, Pergrine, Marsh Harrier as well as Common Buzzards, Sparrowhawks and Kestrels over the past couple of days. At least 3 Barn Owl and the usual 'showy...' Tawny Owl.

Tree Sparrow active around the nest boxes and Siskin feeding on Alder around the Common Crane Enclosure.


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