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We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Bittern Booming

A good start to the morning with Bittern booming, heard from the public footpath on the outer reed bed walk. Also in song, Chiffchaff by the Sewage Works and Corn Bunting near the Railway Crossing.

Looking back towards the Harrier Hide.

Around 1000 Pink-footed Geese roosting with hundreds coming in during the day, worth looking through as European Whitefronts have been present recently in the area.

See previous sightings for wildfowl counts.

Today's raptors included 3 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 6+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. Barn Owl early on.

Usual waders with 300+ Lapwing (dropping numbers now), 100+ Ruff, 50+ Black-tailed Godwit, 30+ Oystercatcher, 30+ Avocet, 10+ Snipe and Redshank.

Other sightings included Bullfinch near the Sewage Works, Kingfisher from the Kingfisher/Ron Barker Hide. Skylarks in song and at least 2 Stonechat out on Plover Field. Water Rail from the Ron Barker Hide.

If you are visiting Martin Mere for the first time and would like to know what is around and the best areas to see specific species do call in at the in focus shop, next to the Discovery Hide which over looks the Mere. It should be possible to see over 60 species in a day without too much difficulty.

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