Bullfinch and other birds

Another cracking day with great light after a sub zero start. Interesting to note that the Avocet moved to the coast briefly before 8 returned late morning probably as a result of the overnight freeze.

The cold tends to knock back the wader numbers so only a few Black-tailed Godwit today, small numbers of Lapwing although generally the Ruff do hang on to scavenge grain put out for the Whooper Swans in front of the Raines Observatory.  A single Ringed Plover on Woodend Marsh.

Morning view from the public footpath that runs between WWT Martin Mere and Mere Sands Wood
View of Winter Hill from the public footpath that runs between WWT Martin Mere and Mere Sands Wood. Corn Bunting, Barn Owl and Red-legged Partridge here this morning.

No reports of the Hen Harrier today although the visibility was reduced from mid morning and the bird has tended to be distant. Adult Peregrine pair this morning, Marsh Harrier, 6+ Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Barn Owl from the UU Hide and Kingfisher there.

A male Bullfinch was seen and heard near the Kingfisher Hide. Tawny Owl still present. Siskin again on the feeder next to in focus. Redpoll near the Tun Village opposite the Crane Enclosure inside the Waterfowl Gardens. A pair of Red-legged Partridge from the Ron Barker Hide.

Adult Mediterranean Gull in almost full breeding plumage with Black-headed Gulls late on on the Mere.

Fox on Plover Field and a few Brown Hare now becoming more active.




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