Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest Sightings

Misty rain until midday then a brief gap in the weather before more cloud rolled in. At least 15000 Pink-footed Geese roosted on the reserve. Two Barnacle Geese came in around midday with the Pink-footed flocked. At least 55 Whooper Swan also roosted with

20 October 2017

Mallard family

Mallard family

A couple of sightings today had a spring feel, a newly hatched batch of at least 16 Mallard Ducklings on the Mere were late, and a Swallow which was around in the afternoon were both a reminder of a time earlier in the year.

19 October 2017

Egyptian Geese

Egyptian Geese

A surprise among the Pink-footed Geese today were a pair of Egyptian Geese, not much chance of being wild birds as this is an introduced African species. One of two Egyptian Geese among the thousands of Pinkfeet (Tony Disl

18 October 2017

Dowitcher Still

Dowitcher Still

Long-billed Dowitcher still present after the overnight strong winds that brought a few branches down around the reserve. It spent most of it's time out on Woodend Marsh with Ruff but can go missing in the vegetation but was still present at 5pm at the ba

17 October 2017

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Latest Sightings

An extraordinary start to the day when it appeared it wasn't going to get light, all caused by Saharan dust brought up on the weather system driving ex-hurricane Ophelia. When the Sun did break through it looked like this.

16 October 2017

Two Dowitchers...

Two Dowitchers...

Top day for visitors with a great deal of goose action coming and going throughout the day and very mild too. Good numbers of Pink-footed Geese with around 10,000 in the vicinity and a couple of Barnacle Geese with them. P

15 October 2017

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The Long-billed Dowitcher was present on site until ~9.45am when it must have flown off as it was relocated back on the Ribble on Bank's Marsh around 11am before flying back onto the reserve mid afternoon. Little Stint, Dunlin, 70+ Ruff, 20+ Snipe and 700

14 October 2017

Long-billed Dowitcher

Long-billed Dowitcher

After a very quiet wader passage in September we had thought we had seen the best until next spring barring a good rarity which indeed happened today with a Long-billed Dowitcher being found by regular watcher Philip Johnson. It's likely that this is the

13 October 2017

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A bit of a wash out on Wednesday with rain throughout most of the day. It wasn't too windy and was still quite mild so it could have been worse! Although most of the Pink-footed Geese were off site during the poor weather, we have had around 17000 roostin

11 October 2017

Raptors and Geese

Raptors and Geese

Calm winds and no rain made for an excellent day for those coming to see the spectacle of huge numbers of Pink-footed Geese. Estimates for the roost this morning were over 20000. Pink-footed Geese from the UU Hide The

8 October 2017

17600 Pink-footed Geese

17600 Pink-footed Geese

Brilliant start to the day with impressive numbers of Pink-footed Geese roosting on the reserve. The count came to 17600 although we tend to think many more birds are now present in the area by late afternoon as good numbers of new arrivals have been comi

6 October 2017

Wet and Windy

Wet and Windy

The migration door was well and truely shut today with blustery wind and showers throughout the day. Whooper Swan numbers edged up to 38 birds including the first family party with 3 juveniles and ~ 5000 Pink-footed Geese roosted on the reserve.

4 October 2017

First Whooper Swan groups and Pink-footed Geese

First Whooper Swan groups and Pink-footed Geese

True to form the weather for Iceland and the North Atlantic provided good condition for an exodus of Pink-footed Geese and the seasons first groups of Whooper Swan. At the time of writing 23 Whooper and c.6000 Pink-footed Geese had arrived although some o

3 October 2017

Latest sightings and predictions..

Latest sightings and predictions..

Overcast with some light rain showers and light winds on Sunday making for good viewing condition. It's been noticeable that the numbers of Pink-footed Geese have been dropping back over the week with less than 400 in the roost today. The birds are moving

1 October 2017

Marsh Harriers

Marsh Harriers

Few reports recieved today, but still plenty of action with up to 5 Marsh Harriers still in the area and giving great views at times. Still plenty of Common Buzzard including a few pale birds and one strikingly pale individual.

30 September 2017