Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Weekend Bird News

Weekend Bird News

Warm to hot over the weekend, the arrival of a Green Sandpiper on Saturday (still present Sunday) was the first of the year on the reserve. Birds like this form part of a post breeding / failed breeding dispersal which see a build up of waders over the ne

18 June 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Overcast and cooler today before it warms up for the weekend. Packed full of breeding birds and over summering species, it's possible to see 60+ species in a days birding on the reserve. Cuckoos are still present with at least 2 birds being seen around th

16 June 2017

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

Warming up today feeling very summer like. A Cattle Egret flew onto the reserve around 1pm. Martin Mere had Lancashire's first record in 1999 but in the last two years they have been annual. Once mega rare Cattle Egrets ar

14 June 2017

Wood Sandpiper and Garganey

Wood Sandpiper and Garganey

Wood Sandpiper and drake Garganey new in today. The Garganey is going into eclipse. The usual selection of raptors with 5+ Buzzard, 3 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. An adult female Peregrine was hunting over the Mere during the week and yesterday we received

11 June 2017

Bird News

Bird News

The Little Gull is still lingering on the reserve, although it can be mobile with sightings at both ends of the reserve, although best views recently have been on the Mere itself. Also on the Mere today, up to 9 Black-tailed Godwits, 25 Oystercathchers, a

9 June 2017



Virtually non-stop rain today dampening visitors but not bird activity. Great to see some larger broods of Shelduck emerging with one group of 8 just hatched from the Ron Barker Hide this morning. There will be plenty more to come in the next few weeks. Q

5 June 2017

Yellow Wag, Cuckoo and Spoonbills...

Yellow Wag, Cuckoo and Spoonbills...

Much fresher today with a brisk westerly making it chilly in the hides, assuming you were dressed for summer... A pair of Yellow Wagtail were seen briefly in the overflow car park this morning before flying over the road (east).

4 June 2017

Breeding Barn Owls and other birds

Breeding Barn Owls and other birds

Barn Owl nest (pic by Kane Brides WWT) Three pairs of Barn Owl nesting at Martin Mere this year. Two broods of 4 chicks currently and this nest with 6 eggs. Plenty of other birds to keep the WWT conservation team in d

3 June 2017

Bird News

Bird News

The overcast condition and a little rain concentrated 30+ Swift and a few House Martin over the reserve. The Mere, more activity than this photograph can show... Not packed with news today, the wardens are busy elsewh

2 June 2017

Little Gull and other birds

Little Gull and other birds

Little Gull with two Black-headed Gulls on the Mere A pleasant day, 'goldilock' temperatures. Lots of evidence of breeding activity across the reserve with excellent views of Black-headed Gull and Avocet chicks. The s

1 June 2017



A few sightings of Cuckoo's today with 2 being seen from Ron Barker Hide and 2 seen along the Reedbed Walk. The immature Little Gull is still present, best looked for from Ron Barker Hide but can be hawking insects in flight anywhere on the reserve. The f

31 May 2017



A Hobby was seen from the Ron Barker hide this afternoon, also the immature Little Gull is still present but no reports of the Little Stint today. A Kingfisher was again seen from the Ron Barker Hide. Just off site a 'Channel Wagtail' was seen along Curle

30 May 2017

Little Stint & Little Gull

Little Stint & Little Gull

A nice breeding plumage Little Stint was found from Ron Barker Hide this morning, the 2nd record of this tiny wader this spring. Other waders on site today included 17 Black-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover, Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Redshank, Oystercatc

29 May 2017



Few reports but the highlight again was a Red Kite which flew over the reserve around midday, presumably the bird from a couple of days ago. The 1st sum/2nd cal year Little Gull is still frequenting the pools viewed from Ron Barker Hide. A flock of 3 Tern

28 May 2017



A new pair of Common Tern were busy trying to find a spot to nest, even checking out the new Tern raft in front of In Focus before before chased off by the nesting Black-headed Gull. At least 2-3 Little Egret continue to be seen most days, a Barn Owl was

27 May 2017