Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Fri 6 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Bird News

Bird News

2 Marsh Harriers, 2 Peregrines and a Merlin were the raptor highlights of the day, along with the usual Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, and Buzzards. Six Little Egrets were on the reserve yesterday, although only one was reported today. A single Bewick's Swan is st

16 October 2015

First Fieldfare of the Autumn

First Fieldfare of the Autumn

Cool and calm condition making for a lovely autumn day. The first Fieldfare of the autumn with 11 birds on the Reed Bed Walk. Bewick's Swan still present this morning on the Mere with c100 Whooper Swan and from Hale Hide late afternoon. Thousands of Pink-

14 October 2015

Unexpected arrival of Bewick's Swan....

Unexpected arrival of Bewick's Swan....

Utterly unexpected arrival of a single Bewick's Swan today, hot on the heels of Slimbridge's earliest ever Bewick's Swan. The previous earliest record at Martin Mere was on the 19th October 1980. The current cold weather across eastern Europe has undoubte

13 October 2015

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

An moulting drake Green-winged Teal was found from the Ron Barker Hide this morning before the flock was flushed by Marsh Harrier. It was relocated again from the Ron Barker Hide late afternoon on Sunley's Marsh. (see map from yesterday). Two juvenile Gre

11 October 2015

Tundra Bean Geese again

Tundra Bean Geese again

Another calm day making birding on the reserve a pleasure. A quality goose day with two Tundra Bean Geese, one adult and one juvenile and not associating with one another. It's certainly possible that the adult bird is different from the pair seen here on

10 October 2015

Tundra Bean Goose

Tundra Bean Goose

Another excellent autumn day with light winds and mostly sunny all day. The large numbers of Pink-footed Geese dominate the proceeding with 20,000+ birds in the area. Sharp eyed observers picked out a Tundra Bean Goose in among the Pink-foot flock and a B

8 October 2015

New Whoopers

New Whoopers

A small influx of Whooper Swan this morning with 11 birds flying onto the Mere. The first two adult Common Shelduck for a few months flew in late afternoon. The Shelduck numbers can peak at over 1000. The Pink-footed Goose count was ~ 30000 in the morning

7 October 2015

Barnacle Goose and other birds and moth!

Barnacle Goose and other birds and moth!

Perhaps as many as 30,000 Pink-footed Geese this morning in the roost. In among them and easy to find Barnacle Goose, first of the autumn here and a couple of leucistic/ partial leucistic Pink-footed Geese. Lone Barnacle G

6 October 2015

Bean Geese arrive!

Bean Geese arrive!

Another ace day at Martin Mere with thousands of Pink-footed Geese swirling around and coming out and back in on the reserve. No counts this morning but at least 20000 birds present early on. Star find of the day goes to regular observer Gordon Taylor wit

5 October 2015

White-front and Glossy Ibis

White-front and Glossy Ibis

Starting off with 25000 Pink-footed Geese on the reserve is always going to be a good day. Large numbers on the reserve all day in between big groups coming and going. A presumed Greenland White-fronted Goose (juv) was seen from the Ron Barker Hide before

4 October 2015



A misty start to the day although not to bad for scanning through the thousands of Pink-footed Geese constantly around the reserve. Estimates from the recent count put the total around 25,000 roosting on the reserve. The 5 flying Whooper Swan were present

3 October 2015

Beardies ?

Beardies ?

Three birds seen briefly in flight from the Ron Barker hide today by an experienced observer were almost certainly Bearded Tits. ("99.9 % certain").  Although not the first records for the reserve, they are exceptionally rare here and would be a new bird

1 October 2015

15,000+ Pink-footed Geese

15,000+ Pink-footed Geese

Pink-footed Geese influx - picture by Andy Bunting Another pleasant day and substantial numbers of Pink-footed Geese now arriving on the reserve. No official counts but yesterdays roost will have topped 15000 birds, i

29 September 2015

Pink-feet in the Sun

Pink-feet in the Sun

Further arrivals of Pink-footed Geese in the past couple of days with perhaps as many as 10,000 birds roosting on the reserve. Some great views to be had of these birds relaxing in the sun after their long journey. Pink-fo

28 September 2015

More Pink-feet

More Pink-feet

A lovely day on the reserve with windless conditions. Further influx of Pink-footed Geese with 5000+ coming in onto the reserve. Local birds which have been in for a while tend to move around at low altitude, whereas new birds coming in tend to come in fr

26 September 2015