Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

Friday - late update

Friday - late update

At least another 2,000 Pink-footed Geese arrived between 6.00 and 6.30 pm, mostly in one big group, but all (strangely) arriveing from a Southerly direction. As I'm writing this (6.30 pm) another group of at least 1,000 birds arrived from the South-east.

25 September 2015

Bird News

Bird News

More Pink-footed geese arriving arriving on a daily basis at the moment - although not properly counted, estimates of over 2,000 would not be far off the mark. Also on the reserve today, 2 Marsh Harreirs and a Peregrine, along with the usual Common Buzzar

25 September 2015

Latest Sighting

Latest Sighting

A sudden blast of Westerlies today making for chilly birding around the reserve. The main focus of events are the continued slow arrival of Pink-footed Geese with somewhere in the region of 1600 roosting on the reserve at present.

24 September 2015

Whooper Return!

Whooper Return!

An unexpected arrival today in the shape of 4 Whooper Swan which circled low over the Mere before heading off the reserve. Although earlier than average this doesn't beat 2012 16th of Sept. We do have 8 over summering birds still present on the reserve al

22 September 2015



Just a hint of what is to come today as small groups of Pink-footed Geese dropped in from high bringing the count to over 700 birds on the reserve. This time last year we had closer to 8,000! More gaps in the weather this week should provide opportunities

20 September 2015

Latest Sighting

Latest Sighting

A lovely day out on the reserve. The distant southport airshow didn't appear to flush anything new onto the reserve although about 230 Pink-footed Geese did drop in around midday. Waders included 600+ Lapwing, 50+ Ruff, 1+ Green Sandpiper and some Common

19 September 2015

Pink-foot influx starts ?

Pink-foot influx starts ?

Over 600 Pink-footed Geese came in to roost near the United Utilities hide  just before dusk, before being flushed by a helicopter. Still returning in smaller groups up until dark. Don't forget late opening nights every Wednesday and Saturday from next W

18 September 2015

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

31 Pink-footed Geese this morning, the largest count so far, but hopefully a number which will be increased daily over the next couple of weeks. 2 Green Sandpipers, at least 40 Ruff, and 2 Marsh Harriers were seen from the Ron Barker hide, where 2 Kingfis

17 September 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A lovely day on the reserve. Plenty of Meadow Pipit and Skylark moving today. If you find yourself somewhere relatively quiet at this time of year these and other species can be heard calling over head for the first few hours of the day as they make there

16 September 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Calm condition with a light North Easterlies and a little early rain. Still no influx of Pink-footed Geese just 11 birds recorded today. As the week progresses the current forecast suggest the chance of a sizable influx at the end of the week.

14 September 2015



Bird of the day must go to the Nuthatch (a rare bird on site) which was on the bird table near the toilets past the Raines Hide this morning, hopefully it will stick around. A few new birds appeared today with the change in weather, at least 2 Greenshank

12 September 2015

Whinchat and Wheatear

Whinchat and Wheatear

As high pressure builds and calm and sunny weather settles in, some of us can be found complaining that this type of weather is unlikely to turn up many migrant birds! Things can be unpredictable certainly when it comes to individual rare birds although i

8 September 2015

Record Count

Record Count

It is the time of year when wildfowl begin to flock. This is true whether they be wild or feral birds. At Martin Mere we always get a build up of feral Greylag and Canada Geese and today a count of the latter reached 570 beating the previous count of Cana

6 September 2015

First Returning Geese

First Returning Geese

Highlight of the day was the first arrival of Pink-footed Geese this autumn, a flock of 10 birds arrived at 10.30 this morning but later 18 were counted. Interestingly one of the juveniles among the flock still appears to have down on its head and neck! O

5 September 2015

Bird News

Bird News

Some bird movements noted today, with numbers of Pied Wagtails passing through the reserve, along with a few Grey Wagtails. About 250 Cormorants were noted from the reserve, although very distantly - they would have been flying closer to the Ribble Estaua

4 September 2015