Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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An early morning walk around the boundary of the reserve was productive particularly when you stumble across a fine male Wheatear.                             Corn Bunting are singing

24 March 2015

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Chiffchaff in song in the blossom covered trees next to the in focus shop this morning. Always a pleasure hearing one of the first sounds of spring. Plenty of insects to keep it happy too. Whooper Swan count on the Mere this morning produced 155 birds. A

23 March 2015

House Sparrow!

House Sparrow!

Lovely day out and about in the sun. No recent count but certainly under 300 Whooper Swan on the Mere for most of the day. Generally most of these birds will have left by the first week in April. Far from annually recorded at Martin Mere a female House Sp

21 March 2015



A close up of todays partial eclipse (T. Disley) Eclipse (T. Disley)  

20 March 2015

Spotted Redshank

Spotted Redshank

Spotted Redshank in non-breeding plumage, new for the year on the left hand side of Vinson's Marsh early afternoon, viewed from the Ron Barker Hide. Other waders include 50+ Curlew, 40+ Avocet, 100+ Lapwing, 30+ Oystercatcher, 40+ Ruff, 20+ Black-tailed G

18 March 2015

First Chiffchaff

First Chiffchaff

A Chiffchaff on the Nature Trail in song today and present yesterday is probably the first of the spring migrant birds. Chiffchaff have been present since 5th February at least. Adult breeding plumage Med Gull on the Mere 3.45pm at least. Some disturbance

16 March 2015

Bird Sightings

Bird Sightings

A few sightings from Friday included 2 Dunlin on the Mere as well as a pair of Peregrine hunting around the edge of the reserve and 2 Barn Owl from Ron Barker Hide. Today's sightings: the re-appearance of the male Goldeneye on the Mere, still impressive n

14 March 2015

Sand Martin

Sand Martin

Sand Martin new for the year and really the first 'classic' spring migrant. This is one of the earliest records of Sand Martin at Martin Mere. Once all the WWT Martin Mere data has been finally computerised I'll be able to tell you exactly how it fits in!

12 March 2015



Very pleasant today indeed even if the wind did feel a little cold inside the hides. Locally the first Sand Martin are turning up although the best we could do today is Chiffchaff opposite the sewage works which has probably been present since January. If

10 March 2015

More Mediterranean Gulls

More Mediterranean Gulls

At least 6 different Mediterranean Gulls (2 pairs plus 2 single birds) this afternoon/evening around the Mere all varying in extent of black and white on the head. Also 2-3000 Black headed Gulls. A pair of adult Mediterra

7 March 2015

Waders & Gulls and Glossy Ibis!

Waders & Gulls and Glossy Ibis!

A great time of year on site to enjoy the numbers of spring waders building up and the gathering of the gull colony, the latter going from strength to strength each year. At least 4 Mediterranean Gulls (Adults) today among 1000+ Black headed Gulls on the

6 March 2015



A drake Goldeneye flew onto the Mere mid morning. Most years a few birds are present throughout the winter, however this is the first record this year, a further indicator of climate change. A morning count produced 1640 Whooper Swan, very high for this

4 March 2015

Mystery Bird Shot

Mystery Bird Shot

A blustery couple of days keeping many birds tucked in. Waders to the fore with 66 Avocet, 59 Ruff, 60+ Oystercatcher, 17 Black-tailed Godwit, 400+ Lapwing (some now display flying), Redshank, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, Common Snipe and Curlew. Water leve

3 March 2015

73 Avocet

73 Avocet

A brief round up of the weekends sightings. As expected the Avocet numbers continue to increase with 73 birds this morning. They were joined by a couple of Curlew along the back of the Mere. Oystercatcher numbers increased 112, also 400+ Lapwing, 60+ Ruff

1 March 2015



First sighting of Bittern this year when a bird flew over the path to the Harrier Hide and dropped into the reeds. Last year a bird was heard to 'boom' although as usual it is assumed any Bittern seen at this time of year is just passing through. Avocet n

27 February 2015