Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Latest sightings

Cuckoo and other birds

Cuckoo and other birds

This juvenile Cuckoo (with caterpillar) has been hanging around for the past few days, generally seen perched on posts. Waders so far included Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, 9 Ruff, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 65 Black-tailed Godwit and 10+ Common Snipe. Two K

30 July 2012

Cuckoo and other birds.

Cuckoo and other birds.

This juvenile Cuckoo (with caterpillar) has been hanging around for the past few days, generally seen perched on posts. Waders so far included Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, 9 Ruff, 2 Little Ringed [...]

30 July 2012



Plenty of activity around the reserve today. A single Knot was seen early on, Ruff numbers up one to 9, a Common Sandpiper was new in. A few Common Snipe dropped in during a rain shower. At least 90 B [...]

29 July 2012



Fresher than of late and a couple of brief showers promising the possibility of new waders. As it happens the Ruff have increased to 8 birds, 3 Dunlin and 2 juv Little Ringed Plover new in. At least 7 [...]

28 July 2012



A Greenshank seen from Ron Barker Hide was a new bird and a further sign of the ongoing wader passage at this time of year, otherwise several Ruff remain but we are now down to 1 Avocet and at least 1 [...]

27 July 2012

New Ruff

New Ruff

Though the morning started promisingly with low cloud and drizzle nothing really of note was reported despite a few observers being out on the reserve today. Wader passage was noted with an increase i [...]

26 July 2012

Sandwich Tern new for the year.

Sandwich Tern new for the year.

Low cloud and misty rain alway promise something interest and almost the first bird seen while scanning the Mere this morning was Sandwich Tern. They never hang around for longer than a day and in the [...]

25 July 2012

Mild for Mothing

Mild for Mothing

Moth species recorded on the evening of the 22nd July 2012           B&F Code Ta [...]

23 July 2012



A few more signs of 'autumn' passage with a single Whimbrel droppping in on it's journey south. The Green Sandpiper count has increased to three. Around 50 Black-tailed Godwit present, a s [...]

22 July 2012



Blue skies and sunshine to start the day. Plenty of butterflies and dragonflies on the wing. The first Gatekeepers of the year near the Harrier Hide.  Some counts around the reserve included [...]

21 July 2012

Barn Owls

Barn Owls

Barn Owls were active this morning and into the early afternoon, 1 showed very well from United Utilities spending over an hour perched close to the hide, with another bird in the Ron Barker area. The [...]

19 July 2012

Spotted Redshank new in.

Spotted Redshank new in.

No sign of yesterday's phalarope but a moulting Spotted Redshank was new in for those out birding today. Still a family party of Avocet, 2 adult and 3 nearly fledged young. Other waders included 3 [...]

18 July 2012

Red Phalarope in breeding plumage!

Red Phalarope in breeding plumage!

A poor photograph of a mega bird! Apparently seen around 11am but only reported after 1pm and then as a Red-necked Phalarope, it spent time feeding on Vinson's Marsh from the Ron Barker Hide. Extr [...]

17 July 2012

Hobby and Swifts

Hobby and Swifts

Low cloud and the occasional shower provided excellent views of Common Swift (~100) hunting low over the reserve. Within the next four weeks the majority of local breeding birds will have departed for [...]

16 July 2012

Tawny Owl

Tawny Owl

Tawny Owl, an adult showing well perched in a tree near the Kingfisher Hide. A female Red-crested Pochard was feeding in front of the Harrier Hide late morning but can be elusive. Two Common Tern from [...]

15 July 2012