Cetti's Warbler

Cetti's Warbler calling at the Sewage Works end of the Reedbed Walk this morning. It's only the third time this year we have recorded this species. The other two records were in January and February. Given that they tend to be noisy birds it's remarkable we didn't hear them during the breeding season, giving rise to speculation that perhaps bird(s) ended up leaving the reserve and a new bird(s) have arrived?


Short-eared Owl early afternoon seen from the Ron Barker Hide, the first of the autumn here. Four Marsh Harrier, 3+ Common Buzzard, Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk.

On the wader front it's mostly Lapwing with 500+ birds, a couple of Golden Plover were seen also 40+ Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and Common Snipes.

Many thousands of Pink-footed Geese on the reserve from midday onward. Currently under 100 Whooper Swan, mostly on the Mere.

Mega Starling murmuration from the Harrier Hide forming ~ 4.15pm onward roosting around dusk.

Other sightings included Redpoll over the Reedbed Walk, Chiffchaff by the Sewage Works  and Kingfisher from the Ron Barker Hide.

Yesterday's female Merlin from the United Utilities Hide (pic by @DarbyBug)
Yesterday's female Merlin from the United Utilities Hide (pic by @DarbyBug)

Worth noting that now the clocks have gone back, you have a week to catch the Starling roost and the Pink-footed Geese coming in before having to be off the reserve at 6pm. In fact on Wednesday (28th) and Saturday (31st) the reserve is open til 7pm although it will be dark by then! From the 2nd Nov onward the reserve closes at 4.30pm.

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