
The first Black-headed Gull and Shelduck chicks hatched today. In fact a number of Black-headed Gull pairs had chicks hatching.

Black-headed Gull with the years first chicks
Black-headed Gull with the years first chicks

These new arrivals join many Avocet chicks as well as Lapwing and Oystercatcher young and sooner rather than later Redshank.

These fluff bundles have a risky few weeks ahead as assorted predators look to feeding their own young. This of course is the natural way of things and all of these species have evolved together and continue to survive with the help of habitat conservation.

Continuing on the wader front a Sanderling, new for the year, was found on Woodend Marsh before it was flushed with Ringed Plover and Dunlin by a immature Peregrine.

The 1st summer Little Gull was present on the Mere with Black-headed Gulls. Two Little Ringed Plover also on the Mere.

Tree Sparrows are active around their nest boxes. The first fledged Greenfinch are starting to appear on the feeders.

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