Collared Dove!

Overcast and slightly on the chilly side of things which is typical for early spring. Although classic early migrants like Little Ringed Plover, Sand Martin and Wheatear are starting to appear locally it's unpredictable as to whether they will make an appearance here before April.

A Collared Dove was seen near the Kingfisher Hide, the first (reported?) sighting of the year. Brambling, a female seen from the Janet Kear Hide, Siskin there too.

Waders included 2 Redshank, 50+ Oystercatcher, 64 Ruff, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, 20+ Avocet, 60+ Lapwing, 2 Dunlin and Common Snipes.

Highly variable, recently Ruffs have been mistaken for Knot, Redshank and assorted 'sandpipers'

Merlin was the pick of the raptors late afternoon from the Ron Barker Hide. Two Marsh Harrier, 6+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Two Tawny Owl roosting and showing reasonably well.

Four adult breeding plumage Med Gull on the Mere, two for most of the day.

Bewick's Swan late afternoon on the Mere with 200+ Whooper Swan.

Redwing and Song Thrush in the overflow car park.



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