Common Gulls and other birds

A full autumn spectacle continues at Martin Mere as big numbers of Pink-footed Geese (10,000+) and increasing numbers of Whooper Swan (300+) use the reserve. No recent counts but all the other wildfowl numbers are increasing with sixteen different species represented in the past week.

Foggy early on today but the mist made an attempt to clear mid afternoon onward. At least 4 Marsh Harrier over the weekend, 3+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawks and Kestrels.

Common Gulls resting on the Mere
Common Gulls resting on the Mere

The misty conditions dropped a few birds in including 67 Common Gull, a good count here. An immature Great Black-backed Gull spent some time queuing behind a Marsh Harrier that was feeding on carrion at the back of the Mere.

There seems to have been an influx of Snipe with 30+ birds counted on Saturday and Sunday and certainly many more not seen. Other waders included Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, 40+ Ruff and 500+ Lapwing.

Yesterday 4 Kingfisher were seen perching along the reed edge from the Kingfisher Hide.

Small flocks of Fieldfare yesterday and Redwing feeding near the Janet Kear Hide. Two Stonechat from the other day are the first of the wintering birds.

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