Common Tern

A very pleasant day with the wind dropping although the visibility tends to be much poorer for distance viewing!

The first Common Tern of the year a pair(?) in the morning on Woodend Marsh. The 1st summer Little Gull was present there too.

Two Common Tern (right) and the 1st summer Little Gull (left). Honest!
Two Common Tern (right) and the 1st summer Little Gull (left). Honest!

Waders present included 40 Avocet, 20+ Lapwing, 10+ Redshank, 8 Oystercatcher and 3 Little Ringed Plover.

Skylarks were enjoying the sunshine this morning including this one singing on the ground.

Skylark singing on the ground.
Skylark singing on the ground

It's not all birds. The first Blue-tailed Damselfly was seen today. Many Brown Hare out on the reserve fields.

Broom in flower along the reserve path past the Sewage Works
Broom in flower along the reserve path past the Sewage Works

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