'Continental' Cormorant

A 'Continental' or Sinensis Cormorant spent sometime on the Mere this morning. Checking photographs from the weekend the same bird was on the new 'in focus' island. This sub species is very much over looked at Martin Mere, in fact I can't remember when the last one was seen. Plenty of info on id'ing these compared to the usual UK 'carbo' birds. It's all about the greater than 90 degrees gular pouch angle..

Sinensis Cormorant
Sinensis Cormorant on the Mere

The usual raptor action with 2 Marsh Harrier, 6+ Common Buzzard, 2 Peregrine, 2+ Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Few wader reports today however anything could be turning up in the next weeks as migration is in full flow.

With 35+ Ruff on the reserve it's worth noting some 'Ruff facts'. Ruff's vary considerably in size but generally the males are much bigger than the females. Juvenile birds of both sexes are very buffy compared to the pale non breeding birds.

The buffy juvenile female Ruff on the right. Adult male in non breeding plumage on the left
The buffy juvenile female Ruff on the left. Adult male in non breeding plumage on the right.

Other reports included Kingfishers showing well from the Ron Barker Hide. Little Egret and Water Rail in front of the Harrier Hide.

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