
A fresh breeze with a couple of showers around midday before sunshine set in.

Highlights for today; 3 1st summer (2cy) Little Gull, perhaps the same birds seen earlier in the week. At least 2 adult Mediterranean Gull hanging around the Mere. A Cuckoo seen and heard calling from the Harrier Hide and by the United Utilities Hide.

Many Black-headed Gull chicks with vigilant parents looking out for marauding Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

Waders included 40+ Avocet including 19 chicks, 4 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 4 Oystercatcher, 10+ Redshank and 20+ Lapwing.

Two broods of Pochard along the Reed Bed Walk. Raven again on the Mere. Pied Wagtails feeding young near the UU Hide. Sparrowhawk regularly visiting the feeders at the Janet Kear Hide.

Great-crested and Little Grebes from the Harrier Hide.

Tree Sparrows near the Raines Observatory and Kingfisher Hide.

Many Swift feeding over the reserve today as well as local House Martin and Swallow.


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