Cuckoo again

A Cuckoo again this morning from the Ron Barker Hide. The bird was seen carrying an egg in it's mouth which it apparently swallowed. Pretty much a sure sign that it had just laid one of it's eggs in a host's nest.

The pair of Common Tern out on Woodend Marsh still have their two chicks which may fledge in about 7 days time.


The first Kingfisher sighting for about a month from the Harrier Hide this afternoon.

Waders present across the reserve included 100+ Lapwing, 20+ Black-tailed Godwit, 6+ Avocet, 6+ Redshank, 2 Oystercatcher, 3 Ruff, Dunlin and Little Ringed Plover.

Marsh Harrier hunting around the reserve. A second summer plumage Med Gull on the Mere in the morning.

Mediterranean Gull (2nd summer)
Mediterranean Gull (2nd summer)

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