Curlew Sandpipers

The highlight of the day were 2 Curlew Sandpiper which appeared on the Mere around 11am, and are still present at 16.45. One being in almost full breeding plumage, the white feather fringes on the underparts being nearly worn away to reveal the red of breeding. These birds may have wintered in West Africa and would be on their way back to somewhere in arctic Russia.

Curlew Sandpipers on the Mere taking time out from their long migration (T. Disley)
Curlew Sandpipers on the Mere taking time out from their long migration (T. Disley)

Other sightings today included a Grey Wagtail on the edge of the Mere in the morning. A new pair of Common Tern spent a brief time on the mere displaying with a fish, raising hopes that we may have two breeding pairs this year.

The 4th calendar year Mediterranean Gull (3rd summer) was still to be found in the Black-headed Gull colony on the Mere.

Med Gull with Black-headed Gulls on the Mere (T. Disley)
Med Gull with Black-headed Gulls on the Mere (T. Disley)

The family of Ravens are still in the area, being seen occasionally overflying the reserve. Nearby Yellow Wagtail and 45+ Corn Bunting along Curlew Lane

Common Tern on the Mere giving good views from the Discovery Hide (G. Taylor)
Common Tern on the Mere giving good views from the Discovery Hide (G. Taylor)













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