Drake Garganey

Another windy day making viewing difficult from the hides. Generally just best to keep the windows closed even if you loose a little resolution!

Drake Garganey in Langley's Brook this afternoon was new in.

Temminck's Stint again today from the UU Hide from 16:00, no reports before that time. There may have been more than one Temminck's Stint, as one of our seasoned watchers thought two different plumage birds were present yesterday, although the birds were not seen together.

Most activity was relating to breeding birds. Loads of Black-headed Gull chicks showing well on the Mere. Also Avocet chicks here. Oystercatcher chicks are doing well on Woodend Marsh still avoiding the attention of Grey Herons. Some reasonably large Lapwing chicks along the back right hand edge of Sunley's Marsh.

Two Common Tern on Woodend Marsh. At least 4 Little Ringed Plover and 9 Ringed Plover. Med Gull present on the Mere.

Late news for yesterday, a very high flying Short-eared Owl passed over the reserve late on.

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