Drake Garganey in Teal influx

A pleasant day not too hot or cold finishing off with a thunder storm late on.

More signs of post breeding as ~ 50 Teal are counted on the reserve this morning. In among them on Sunley's Marsh a drake Garganey starting to moult.

A good selection of wildfowl with Shelduck and Pochard with chicks. Good numbers of Gadwall, a few Tufted, Shoveler and unusually Wigeon.

The waders are well represented with over 15 Avocet chick with some very close to fledging. Redshank and Ringed Plover with chicks. A couple of Little Ringed Plover present, Oystercatcher, a few Black-tailed Godwit and 100+ Lapwing.

The Common Tern chicks are coming along nicely. This year they have three and hopefully they'll all survive.

Cuckoo calling by the Ron Barker / Kingfisher Hides. Tree Sparrows and Great-spotted Woodpecker there too.

The Great-crested Grebe are still sitting on three eggs. We can expect these to hatch in the very near future assuming they are fertile. Also from the Harrier Hide Little Egret and Sedge Warbler.

Other birds today included good numbers of House Martin, Swallow and Swift and a few Sand Martin feeding over the reserves many water bodies. Barn Owl out hunting during the day, Skylarks singing in their towering flights over Plover Field and Kingfisher in front of the Ron Barker Hide.


No pictures today as there appears to be some technical problems with the sizing of images.

The map can be found on the @infocusWWTMM twitter feed.






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