Dropping the levels

Yes, that time has come when the water levels on the Mere are lowered to provide better breeding/feeding habitat for assorted breeding waders and birds on passage.

Straight away Avocet (26+) have been feeding on the Mere and both Ruff (40+) and Redshank (4+) are in among the Purple Loosestrife roots along the back of the Mere. Breeding Lapwing are present, double figure Black-tailed Godwit and Common Snipe.

The Mere is the last of the areas on the reserve that has it's water levels lowered as most of the Whooper Swan  have departed with less than 200 birds this morning and still a single Bewick's Swan early on in front of the Discovery Hide.

Quite a few Pink-footed Geese still using the reserve and spending plenty of time washing a preening getting themselves in tip top shape for the journey ahead. It's not too late to pick out scarcer species!

On the raptor front Marsh Harrier, 6+ Common Buzzard very active today, Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Raven early on.

Just opposite the reserve Corn Bunting singing.



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