Farmland Specialists

Slightly warmer today although not exactly a heat wave! The fact that a few Swift went through the reserve late afternoon can only be a good omen.

Mossland sunrise
Mossland sunrise

Starting off with news from around the reserve and on it with a selection of farmland specialists. Good numbers of Corn Bunting singing on territories opposite the reserve.

Corn Bunting opposite the reserve this morning
Corn Bunting opposite the reserve this morning

The stubble field beyond the derelict farm house also had Grey Partridge and a distant Yellow Wagtail. Two Yellow Wagtail were seen along Curlew Lane.

Grey Partridge
Distant Grey Partridge

Distant Yellow Wagtail
 Very distant... Yellow Wagtail

Beyond the end of the Reed Bed Walk at the end of Long Hedge Yellowhammer singing again. The Long Hedge area has a few singing Whitethroat as well as Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap. Ten Wheatear in 'Wheatear Field' and one White Wagtail there. Corn Bunting by the Railway Line.

A few less Whimbrel in from early afternoon but otherwise almost identical counts from yesterday.

Tawny Owl showed well up until 1pm between the Janet Kear and UU Hides.

At least 80 species recorded on the reserve today!



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