
Bird of the day and new for the year was a Firecrest with two Goldcrest between the Janet Kear and Gladstone Hides. Martin Mere has a good track record of Firecrest and usually once they arrive they do stick around. Listen out for the Goldcrest which are highly mobile along the Nature Trail and inside the Wildfowl Gardens.

A Bittern was seen briefly floating over the reeds somewhere on the reserve? (it wasn't clear from the writing..). If you do see anything on the reserve do report it to the in focus shop as we can disseminate the information.

Jam packed with birds out on the reserve with one of the best wildfowl years in recent years. The Green-winged Teal is proving to be elusive but undoubtedly present in among the 3000+ Teal. A single Barnacle Goose again this morning with Pink-footed Geese. Oh and the Ross's Goose is still present..

Raptors included 4 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 3 Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Tawny Owl(s) in the usual spot and Barn Owls out late on.

Peregrine ignoring a handful of Pinks and a Barnacle Goose

Distant Buzzard on the edge of the Mere
Distant Buzzard on the edge of the Mere

Male Sparrowhawk takes stock around the Mere
Sparrowhawk takes stock around the Mere

Over 2000 Lapwing with many resting on Top Mere also a single Dunlin with 66 Ruff. Other birds of note included mixed flock of (40+) Fieldfare and some Redwing around the edge of the reserve. Kingfisher again from the Ron Barker Hide.


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