Firecrest still present

A great days birding to be had on the reserve at the moment with spectacular numbers of wildfowl and Lapwing. It should be possible to see over 60 species in a full days birding around the reserve.

That bright light to the left of the picture is the sun...
That bright light to the left of the picture is the sun...

The Firecrest was seen again with a large mixed flock inside the Wildfowl Gardens. A number of birds were associating with the flock including 4 Goldcrest, 2 Treecreeper, 20 Long-tailed Tit, 10 Blue Tit, 3 Great Tit, 2 Coal Tit. In the same area Goldfinch were feeding on Alder cones with 3 Siskin and a few Redpoll. Plenty of Chaffinch and a few Greenfinch and Great-spotted Woodpecker.

Raptors in action included the usual Peregrine, Marsh Harriers, Common Buzzards, Sparrowhawks and Kestrels. Tawny and Barn Owl again today.

Marsh Harrier out towards Outer Vinson's taken from the Mere
Marsh Harrier out towards Outer Vinson's taken from the Mere

Counts of wildfowl as of the past few days. Three Goldeneye (male and two female) regularly on the Mere. Just off the reserve a Barnacle Goose with Pinks between Curlew Lane and Windmill Farm.

Unusually a Kingfisher was seen in the channel running next to the fence between the Gladstone and Janet Kear Hides.

The Bittern seen yesterday flew over the reed bed from the Harrier Hide.





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