First Returning Geese

Highlight of the day was the first arrival of Pink-footed Geese this autumn, a flock of 10 birds arrived at 10.30 this morning but later 18 were counted. Interestingly one of the juveniles among the flock still appears to have down on its head and neck!

Other sightings included Hobby and Merlin again, also at least 1 Peregrine which caught what looked like a male Ruff. Also 2 Marsh Harrier including very dark juvenile plus the usual Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Common Buzzard.

On the wader front 2 juvenile Little Ringed Plover, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, plenty of Snipe, 800+ Lapwing, 25+ Ruff and 1 Green Sandpiper.

Plenty of House Martins and Swallows in the fine weather with many passing through high up, also a flock of 5 Grey Wagtail early evening.

Lots of Butterflies around included 3 Painted Lady, Peacock, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell. Southern Hawker Dragonflies can still be seen along the paths, with Black-tailed Skimmer still around as well.

Unfortunately no photographs today as there is a problem with uploading images at the moment, hopefully will be sorted soon.

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