First Swallows

Still on the chilly side especially in the hides but now very pleasant in the sunshine. The first Swallow were seen late yesterday and birds were also seen this morning feeding in front of the Harrier Hide with Sand Martin.


Great for waders with 40+ Avocet, 60+ Ruff, 20+ Lapwing, 50+ Oystercatcher, 10+ Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Redshank, 2 Ringed Plover and a few Common Snipe.

Black-tailed Godwits continuing to show well
Black-tailed Godwits continuing to show well

The single Bewick's Swan again coming into to feed in front of the in focus shop/discovery hide.

At least two Med Gull on the Mere late morning. Tawny Owl seen near the Janet Kear Hide. Little Egret showing well from the Kingfisher Hide again.

At least two Chiffchaff singing off the Nature Trail. A Willow Tit was seen briefly on the feeder next to in focus but not since.

Raptors included 6+ Common Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

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